Above and Beyond


Above and Beyond

 10/6/2016 12:00:00 AM | Views: 7,813 | 2 Minutes, 21 Second |  Written By | Tags: Blog, Productivity, Customer Service, User Experience, Employees

At JM2 Webdesigners, going above and beyond is just another part of the job that we do for our clients. While this isn't a carved in stone rule that is vigorously enforced it is something that is an essential component to who we at JM2 are.

We do not go above and beyond because we have to, but because we want to.

Everyone one of our clients is given the attention they deserve. Whether this is answering their questions, making sure that their website is up to date or simply helping them figure out some job-related difficulties, these are all considered part of the norm for a JM2 employee. When there is a client in need we are ready to help them.

That is one of the best features of becoming a client with JM2. You have access to a staff of professionals who care about your business as much as you do. We are your employees as much as we are our clients to JM2. Few can claim to let their clients have full access to a staff that is ready to assist them with any of their web and social media based needs, but as mentioned in a previous post, we like to do things differently.

It's not uncommon to see one of our staff working late into the night making sure that a client's website is ready to go live the next day. It's not uncommon for staff to work on the weekends, making sure that a website or service are ready to go live on the following Monday. A website is everything to us and everything to our clients, we would be doing them a disservice to not have them ready as soon as possible.

This is just another part of what makes JM2 a business unlike any other, a drive to give customer's what is needed to succeed. Businesses rarely take breaks and neither do we. We're more than just a website provider, we're more than a social media curator, we're full-time employees for you at a fraction of the cost.

Businessman Tony Robbins once said that a satisfied customer is just that: satisfied. They might come back, they might not, but no matter how you look at it, their status will always be up in the air.

What businesses (and we at JM2) strive to create are what he refers to as "raving fans", someone who's been floored by the level of service received to the point where they can't stop telling other people about it.

For all the reasons mentioned earlier and even more, we're in the business of creating those fans and we hope that you can be our next one!

If you're interested in becoming a new fan of our exceptional service, contact JM2 Webdesigners at @BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@, email at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@, and contact us online through our online form here.