Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing

Improvements in Customer Service

Improvements in Customer Service

By John Marx on 7/25/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Small Business, Customer Service, Business

Organizations know they need someone in a role that communicates with clients, they know it will improve customer satisfaction, but never want to invest (e.g. it eats into their profits) in such a role. Often an organization will allocate a small part of a person’s (or multiple employees) time to it. This causes a system that actually can be even more inefficient. This is why as an organization we added Lorissa to our team with just one job duty of communicating with our clients. This dedicated position will make certain customer communication happens. We even have set parameters that we will add another person in this position when we reach certain thresholds so that we don’t run into a situation where our coordinator is overworked and create failure in communication. Our project coordinator position, which we call the Time Keeper, has the sole responsibility to communicate with the customer, put in tasks for the team, double-check the tasks that the team did, and get back with the client that the changes are done. This role has no other functions and how it will stay.

Fixing Customer Service

Fixing Customer Service

By John Marx on 6/24/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Customer Service

I have been physically out of pocket at the office for several months as I have been running in/out of meetings all over Northwest Indiana with our partners and clients. The benefit is the growth we have experienced is great as we are able to grow and employ more awesome people. But that growth comes at a price and today I want to write about what has happened and some hard decisions that I, as the owner and the person ultimately responsible, am making to "fix" the problem. Now I say "fix" as I don't know if these will truly fix the problem. I know they won't hurt things but as an agile company we have to change and adapt, do so quickly, efficiently, and constantly evolve.

How to Block Someone from Your Facebook Business Page

How to Block Someone from Your Facebook Business Page

Despite a business's best intentions, sometimes you will end up with a client or employee who does not leave on a good note. A situation like this usually doesn't go beyond hurt feelings but in some cases, the level of angst may go beyond a few choice words and turn into a situation where one angry person can threaten your online business presence. Are there steps that can be taken in situations like this? Yes, there are. Let's discuss them.

The move to efficiency through Tasks

The move to efficiency through Tasks

By John Marx on 3/26/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Customer Service

Email is centralized to a user where information is in a silo that only the one user can truly see. This creates speed bumps, roadblocks, and chaos within an organization. There are ways to fix this chaos by centralizing everything and making these tasks available to the entire team. Not only does this bring visibility into the eyes of everyone within the company but also brings in collaborative teamwork. When workloads for some are less they can step up and tackle items in the work queue and speed the entire process and eliminate one person from slowly down items within the system. This not only helps get projects completed more efficiently but lists start shrinking rather than growing.

Feedback (aka Reviews)

Feedback (aka Reviews)

By John Marx on 2/15/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Customer Service

Feedback for any business is crucial to its success. You can learn what your customers are enjoying as well as areas for improvement. The key to any feedback is it not be attacking but helpful. The people that are providing feedback are doing so as they want to be heard. This is whether the experience is a positive one or a negative one. In the old days, we had feedback forms that could either be filled out during that stay or mailed in on a postcard. There are several ways of gaining feedback from users today and we’re going to look at the top three methods of not only getting feedback but also how to protect your business from negative feedback (as much as possible).

Customer Growth

Customer Growth

By John Marx on 12/29/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Digital Marketing, Customer Service

We pride ourselves when it comes to educating, informing, and teaching our clients in all aspects of social media and websites. We believe every client is more than capable of doing the work themselves and that we are their tool so they can focus on their business rather than the marketing aspects. A client should have knowledge in doing even if they don't want to do it. They should be made aware of the latest terminology so that they comprehend any information they hear in an effective manner.

Why Chatbots Aren't Worth It

Why Chatbots Aren't Worth It

By Kyle Hovanec on 6/26/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: communication, chat bots, Customer Service

At first, an automated system designed to answer all of your client's wants and needs, both good and bad sounds amazing. Having the ability to address concerns at any day and any time is the kind of customer service all businesses strive for. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is as automated responders or chatbots while getting better, still, pale in comparison to good ole flesh and blood human customer service.

What to Include in Your Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Website to Increase Tours and Proactively Build Goodwill with Medicare A Patient Prospects

What to Include in Your Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Website to Increase Tours and Proactively Build Goodwill with Medicare A Patient Prospects

Who should read this? SNF administrators and marketing staff who believe the pre-need site visit will deliver more commitments and is an important part of the patient acquisition process with high focus on short-term Medicare A patients.

Clear and Concise Communication Makes for Happy Customers

Clear and Concise Communication Makes for Happy Customers

By Kyle Hovanec on 4/24/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: communication, Customer Service

If you ask customers and clients what some of the most frustrating experiences are when it comes dealing with businesses, the topic of miscommunication often comes up.

I Don't Know vs Let Me Find the Answer

I Don't Know vs Let Me Find the Answer

By Kyle Hovanec on 4/7/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Business, Blog, Customer Service

When it comes to working with clients, the last answer they want to hear are the three words of doom: "I don't know", a phrase so adverse to client relations that mentioning them often is equated to losing their trust and reliance.

Customer Communication

Customer Communication

By John Marx on 3/22/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Business, Customer Service

The more we talk with clients the more that they want results. To get results though you need to have outstanding communication. Communication comes in many ways and varies for each one of your customers. Businesses know they want a website to communicate their message and they need to be on social media to continue that reach and engage prospects and customers alike. Both platforms are working for you 24x7, should work together as a collaborative digital marketing tool for your business. To achieve this you need to have an effective communications strategy.

The Secret of Success Through Text Marketing: Part 1

The Secret of Success Through Text Marketing: Part 1

Text messaging is more than sending messages to friends and family. It has quietly become an incredibly effective marketing tool for businesses to send promotions, information, and sales pitches to their clients. While it's easy to assume that text messages wouldn't be an effective way to reach clients and customers due to the unfortunate tendency for people to become annoyed with an overabundance of texts, research and experience have produced surprisingly contrary results and shown to be an incredibly effective form of reaching out and making sales.

The 24/7 Employee and How to Have One

The 24/7 Employee and How to Have One

Business owners are the ones who truly understand the time-tested concepts of time and money. Businesses cannot afford any wasted time, as this misused time leads to a loss of revenue, something that all businesses, no matter their size, will suffer from.

The Elusive Sales Funnel

The Elusive Sales Funnel

By Kyle Hovanec on 1/12/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Customer Service, Business, Branding

For anyone involved in business or sales, you have most likely heard the term "The Sales Funnel". While the name may seem self-explanatory, there is a considerable amount of thought and planning that goes into a successful sales funnel. While each business's sales funnel will vary with the nuances of their business, there is a fundamental structure that all sales funnels follow. What are these fundamentals? I'm so glad you asked.

The 2017 Adventure Begins at JM2!

The 2017 Adventure Begins at JM2!

For many people and businesses, 2017 is a year to start fresh and work on new possibilities and functions designed to help your company grow. At JM2. we're also excited to start 2017 on the right foot as we are always looking at new ways to bring more to our clients and work on new ways to help them and their business grow.For me, 2017 presents an opportunity to engage with our clients even more as we help them achieve their goals for the year. As someone who's job is to speak with clients both old and new, this direction is something that fills me with endless possibilities of what we can do together. Out of all the things we are doing in 2017, here is what I'm most excited about.

Being Yourself is Never a Gamble

Being Yourself is Never a Gamble

Yesterday we had the opportunity to be part of a Chamber Networking Night, a night put on by a city chamber that brings together local businesses to set up flashy booths, give away free goodies and interact with other visitors, clients, and businesses.

Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond

Many businesses will claim that they go above and beyond what is necessary to make their clients happy. Phrases like "the customer is always right" and "we're here for you" are often tossed around with little care to if they actually do stick to their word.

The First Question We Ask

The First Question We Ask

By Kyle Hovanec on 9/30/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Quality Content, Customer Service, Business, Branding, Blog

Whenever we bring on a new client or whenever a new client finds their way to JM2, there is one question we always lead with once they choose our services.How are we going to be able to help them?

When Clients are More than Clients

When Clients are More than Clients

By Kyle Hovanec on 9/8/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Life, Customer Service, Blogs, Employees, Business, User Experience

Every once in awhile, we have one of our clients stop by our office. While most clients stop in businesses to discuss problems or issues, we do something a little different with this particular client.

We just talk

That's right, we talk. Not about business and not about selling him another new product. We just talk about whatever comes to our mind. Sometimes it's about family. Sometimes it's about current events, but not matter what the topic, we take the time so sit back, relax and talk.

Let's Talk Maintenance Plans

Let's Talk Maintenance Plans

Coming off of Labor Day weekend we thought we would talk and discuss maintenance plans. Maintenance plans are specific tools for getting the job done in a timely and efficient manner. A form of labor that JM2 Webdesigners from Valparaiso Indiana does to help your business grow. Your employees are dedicated to helping your business grow in the real-world. We become employees for you in the virtual world and help them come to the real-world to learn about your products and services for a lot less than you think. In this article we go over everything in our "Web and Social Media Package". If you only want search engine optimization (SEO) take the social media away and that's that package. These are designed to be simple and complete to meet every need your business has when doing digital marketing.

Do you know how your website is being used?

Do you know how your website is being used?

By John Marx on 4/10/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Customer Service, Website, Business, Analytics

A website is only as valuable as the information that you put into it. Wrong! You also need to get information out of your website that allows you to provide even greater value to your customers. This is what customer service is all about. If what you are using is Google Analytics for everything you are on the right path as that will get you "in the door". There are other steps you can take to further improve your online experience for your customers.

Exceptional Website Customer Service

Exceptional Website Customer Service

By John Marx on 3/17/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Customer Service

We know our customers are the life blood of our organizations. Without them we could not achieve the greatness that we have. The problem we've seen is not every customer gives us feedback. With a website though and the right tools you can actually find out about what your customers are doing. For the past three years we've used products like SumoMe, CrazyEgg, and Heatmap. Each product has had its benefits. A year and a half ago we came across a product that does everything these companies do and steps up the customer service notch. This will be the product we talk about today. This product is called Lucky Orange.