Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing

Sell Your Passion Before Anything Else

Sell Your Passion Before Anything Else

By Kyle Hovanec on 5/17/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Employees, Life, Blog, Entrepreneur, Business

For smaller businesses, having passion is one of the key components of selling your business to others. For many, the passion for the small business, the drive to their dream to the next level and find success in the business world is part of the appeal for so many to support local and support small to mid-range.

The 24/7 Employee and How to Have One

The 24/7 Employee and How to Have One

Business owners are the ones who truly understand the time-tested concepts of time and money. Businesses cannot afford any wasted time, as this misused time leads to a loss of revenue, something that all businesses, no matter their size, will suffer from.

The 2017 Adventure Begins at JM2!

The 2017 Adventure Begins at JM2!

For many people and businesses, 2017 is a year to start fresh and work on new possibilities and functions designed to help your company grow. At JM2. we're also excited to start 2017 on the right foot as we are always looking at new ways to bring more to our clients and work on new ways to help them and their business grow.For me, 2017 presents an opportunity to engage with our clients even more as we help them achieve their goals for the year. As someone who's job is to speak with clients both old and new, this direction is something that fills me with endless possibilities of what we can do together. Out of all the things we are doing in 2017, here is what I'm most excited about.

The Power of a Mobile Workforce

The Power of a Mobile Workforce

By John Marx on 11/23/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Business, Employees

We state we're a mobile company but when events force you to work mobile you start to realize the true nature of being a mobile workforce is. Our office is in downtown Valparaiso Indiana which means we have some amazing opportunities. We are close to great restaurants, local shops, and of course are the first back on when we lose power. Well, that last statement we've learned is not always the case. We have lost power a few times and five or six hours later and the power is still off at times. This doesn't affect us though as we have built our system from the ground up for handling these types of situations.

Being Spoiled in the Best Way

Being Spoiled in the Best Way

Being spoiled is often looked at as not being a good thing. To receive anything you want, when you want without regards to the consequence of obtaining it is generally considered not a healthy way to go about life.

Being Yourself is Never a Gamble

Being Yourself is Never a Gamble

Yesterday we had the opportunity to be part of a Chamber Networking Night, a night put on by a city chamber that brings together local businesses to set up flashy booths, give away free goodies and interact with other visitors, clients, and businesses.

Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond

Many businesses will claim that they go above and beyond what is necessary to make their clients happy. Phrases like "the customer is always right" and "we're here for you" are often tossed around with little care to if they actually do stick to their word.

Creating a Culture that treats employees like CEO's

Creating a Culture that treats employees like CEO's

By Kyle Hovanec on 9/20/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Employees, Business, Blogs

When do employees become more than just employees?

It's a question that businesses ask themselves but few often seek the solution. What are the key ingredients in creating a company culture like Google, Zappos and Pixar when employees don't just work, they love working?

When Clients are More than Clients

When Clients are More than Clients

By Kyle Hovanec on 9/8/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Life, Customer Service, Blogs, Employees, Business, User Experience

Every once in awhile, we have one of our clients stop by our office. While most clients stop in businesses to discuss problems or issues, we do something a little different with this particular client.

We just talk

That's right, we talk. Not about business and not about selling him another new product. We just talk about whatever comes to our mind. Sometimes it's about family. Sometimes it's about current events, but not matter what the topic, we take the time so sit back, relax and talk.

Value of a 24x7 Employee

Value of a 24x7 Employee

By John Marx on 7/7/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Website, Employees

What is the value to a business to have an employee that works for you 24x7 and constantly promotes your business in a way your business wants in a consistent way to every customer? This is what we are going to cover today as your website is actually not a website at all. It is an employee, that works for you. Not only is this an employee it has the potential to being your most diverse employee. A website is typically seen as a sales tool and it is. A website is much more than that. It is a public relations tool. It is a customer service tool. It is a way to connect with current and future customers.