Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing

Crafting the Perfect Blog Article

Crafting the Perfect Blog Article

By John Marx on 12/31/2019 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blog

When it comes to getting found, telling your story, and all-around adding to the bottom line, you need to write consistently for your audience. It would be best if you answer the question and not just write to write. Write multiple articles for your website with new ones posted consistently. You write dozens, even hundreds of blog articles to get your information out there.

Rough, uncut, and straight from the hip

Rough, uncut, and straight from the hip

By John Marx on 6/13/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: podcast, Content, video, Blog

It's rough, it's beyond uncut, and it's shooting straight from the hip and telling it like it is. There are no circles, squares, or triangles to get out of with us. Those things just don't exist. Our new video and soon pod cast series (just audio without the handsome actors -- okay not actors) deliver news and information related to digital marketing (with a splash of regular marketing), web design, software development, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and the latest things as they happen. It will not be unheard of when breaking news in these subjects come out that we'll be fast on the change and streaming it live.

11 Highly Effective SEO Tips for Blog Posts

11 Highly Effective SEO Tips for Blog Posts

By John Marx on 4/15/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Writing, Content, Blog

We always see our clients that either we write blog posts for or write their own that they routinely perform better than sites that don’t do any blog posts. There is a secret formula we have used over the years that have allowed us to get all of our clients to the first page almost always. There never is a “magic bullet” that will guarantee you page one results but following best practices, industry trends, and avoiding bad techniques you stand a better chance of being on page one. So, let’s stop the talking and get to some actionable results with Google, Bing, and other search engines.

30-day blog article challenge results

30-day blog article challenge results

By John Marx on 2/19/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blog

Over the past 30-days, I challenged myself to write some very short (500-1,000 words or less) blog articles. This goes against many that say you should make your articles from 2,000-3,000 words for optimal search engine optimization. This 30-blog article exercise had a challenge and two hidden objectives that I didn’t tell anyone. The challenge was the topics were chosen by others and randomly selected by one of our computer programs. The second was what would happen search engine optimization wise writing 30 blog articles in 30-days. The final and third reason was to stress test some blog functionality being we now have several influencers in multiple industries using our blogging system specifically for increased SEO. Let’s take a look at what happened, what worked, what was improved, and talk about a few gems that were not expected during this entire process.

10 ways to write authenticate articles from the heart

10 ways to write authenticate articles from the heart

By John Marx on 1/28/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blog

It is any given Sunday morning with coffee, a warm fire, and quiet. Everyone is sleeping and my mind is focused on an upcoming day. I read the next blog topic on writing from your heart. I close my eyes and think for a brief moment on what to write and then like a crash of inspiration I think what better way to talk about writing from the heart then talking about how I write every blog article. In the past four months, many have noticed my writing style has changed. This wasn't by accident and is actually a thought process I put into every day. I have challenged myself to speak more from the heart, educate, inform, and share my love with the world.

Elements to a quality blog post

Elements to a quality blog post

By John Marx on 8/30/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: SEO, Blog

As part of any good search engine optimization or SEO technique is to provide consistent content to your audience. Consistency comes in many forms when it comes to blog posts When we are sitting in our downtown Valparaiso Indiana office looking out the window and hear the cars drive by in the early morning there are periods of silence. This silence allows us to reflect on the past traffic and think about the traffic that is about to come. Your blog post is similar in that you write a post, publish the post, and then think of the next one. You'll then repeat the process. But what all goes into a quality blog post and how can it help you with your search engine optimization? Well, let's read on and find out.

10+ Best practices on how to blog

10+ Best practices on how to blog

By John Marx on 7/14/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blog

A blog is a great way to showcase your expertise, cover topics that wouldn't otherwise be a good page on your website, goes in greater detail than a specific page on your website, shows your passion, and provides fresh and relevant content for your users (which makes the search engines happy). We often hear that you should blog, and we agree with that. What is often missed is how do you blog, why you should blog, what do you write about, and what are the best practices when it comes to blogging? We'll cover each of the major items that we cover for our clients.

Sell Your Passion Before Anything Else

Sell Your Passion Before Anything Else

By Kyle Hovanec on 5/17/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Employees, Life, Blog, Entrepreneur, Business

For smaller businesses, having passion is one of the key components of selling your business to others. For many, the passion for the small business, the drive to their dream to the next level and find success in the business world is part of the appeal for so many to support local and support small to mid-range.

I Don't Know vs Let Me Find the Answer

I Don't Know vs Let Me Find the Answer

By Kyle Hovanec on 4/7/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Business, Blog, Customer Service

When it comes to working with clients, the last answer they want to hear are the three words of doom: "I don't know", a phrase so adverse to client relations that mentioning them often is equated to losing their trust and reliance.

Building a new era marketing firm

Building a new era marketing firm

By John Marx on 3/17/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Marketing, Business, Digital Marketing, Blog

With great growth, a company needs to take a step back and look at everything it does to further provide value. We are focused not just on the local small and medium sized businesses but those across the entire country and around the world. We continually look at the paper purchased, the way our solutions work for our clients, and to the services that are offered. Each item has an impact to the bottom line of the company and if done incorrectly can truly cost the company and ultimately our customers. Keeping our budget tuned, living within our modest means, and checked constantly we can keep prices down while continually providing more value and grow each month. In just four years we've moved from a home office in Michigan City Indiana to a 2,000+ square foot office in downtown Valparaiso Indiana. We encourage everyone to read through this article on what makes JM2 Webdesigners unique and capable of meeting your businesses growing needs.

Why businesses need blog articles

Why businesses need blog articles

By John Marx on 2/8/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blog

A blog is a way to give valuable knowledge and information that shows that you are the expert in the industry you are serving. You are showing your company as the industry leader and expert that others will want to follow and emulate. The information you provide should help current customers and potential customers while also letting your competitors know that you are the leader that they should emulate.

The Secret of Success Through Text Marketing: Part 2

The Secret of Success Through Text Marketing: Part 2

By Kyle Hovanec on 2/8/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Marketing, Blog, Business, Text Marketing

We previously talked about how text marketing is an effective tool when it comes to marketing your business and how business owners have a form of promotion that comes with a high open and utilization rate. It's this unexpected versatility and reach that turns text marketing into an effective machine. Now that we know just how useful it is, the two questions that remain are who can use it and how can they use it?

The 24/7 Employee and How to Have One

The 24/7 Employee and How to Have One

Business owners are the ones who truly understand the time-tested concepts of time and money. Businesses cannot afford any wasted time, as this misused time leads to a loss of revenue, something that all businesses, no matter their size, will suffer from.

The 2017 Adventure Begins at JM2!

The 2017 Adventure Begins at JM2!

For many people and businesses, 2017 is a year to start fresh and work on new possibilities and functions designed to help your company grow. At JM2. we're also excited to start 2017 on the right foot as we are always looking at new ways to bring more to our clients and work on new ways to help them and their business grow.For me, 2017 presents an opportunity to engage with our clients even more as we help them achieve their goals for the year. As someone who's job is to speak with clients both old and new, this direction is something that fills me with endless possibilities of what we can do together. Out of all the things we are doing in 2017, here is what I'm most excited about.

Earn your way to SEO success with Blogging

Earn your way to SEO success with Blogging

By John Marx on 11/4/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blog, SEO

When it comes to being found online you need an SEO strategy to reach the maximum audience possible using solely white hat SEO techniques. We are not going to delve into white hat or black hat SEO here. We will strictly be talking tactics that we use in every blog post to achieve SEO success with content through blogging on your website. Before we even get into the article I want to be very clear that when you write do not write for the search engines to get your SEO. You want your content human readable and in a way, that is engaging and provides value to your intended audience.

Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond

Many businesses will claim that they go above and beyond what is necessary to make their clients happy. Phrases like "the customer is always right" and "we're here for you" are often tossed around with little care to if they actually do stick to their word.

The First Question We Ask

The First Question We Ask

By Kyle Hovanec on 9/30/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Quality Content, Customer Service, Business, Branding, Blog

Whenever we bring on a new client or whenever a new client finds their way to JM2, there is one question we always lead with once they choose our services.How are we going to be able to help them?

Giving Away Valuable Business Advice

Giving Away Valuable Business Advice

By John Marx on 9/11/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Business, Blog

Often when we are out and about working at Valparaiso Uptown Café we are often asked by one of our loyal blog readers why we continue to give away knowledge that we can easily charge for. In fact, we do charge for the knowledge we share and give away. The reason we do so is to show our expertise to others. Those that pay for us to do work for them like to know we are industry experts while others have the time available to handle the tasks themselves but often don't have the time to do it themselves.