Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing

Search Engine Adrenaline Shot

Search Engine Adrenaline Shot

By John Marx on 9/30/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Small Business, Blogs, Story Telling, SEO

We are hearing this more and more from companies talking with us. They ranked high once and now they are dropping and their competitors are ranking higher. These can be local or national companies organically (e.g. free) ranking higher than they and they think it’s because these corporations are outranking them because they are spending money. The answer is yes but not in the way they are thinking. They are ranking not because they are paying the search engines to rank to get those organic listings. They could be paying for ads but that doesn’t measure into the organic listings. They are paying their employees or a digital marketing company to make them rank that way. Let’s take a look and see what a business owner can do to fix this problem.

Writing when you are not a writer

Writing when you are not a writer

By John Marx on 1/31/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blogs

What readers don't realize is that when we write we are doing more than just writing. We are telling a story about a subject that we hold dear to our heart. The story that we are telling has a deep meaning to us that can be informative, educational, and sometimes even therapeutic. Sometimes when I write a story it is written for no one other than myself but more often it is for the audience to educate and inform. Today is one of those informing times where we look at the English teacher version of an article having a beginning, middle, and end.

Got Blog?

Got Blog?

By John Marx on 1/30/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blogs

We have talked about the benefits of blogging but never truly covered why you really want to blog. Think of a blog as a short story that covers a core area of expertise you or your business is good at. You want people to learn from you, you want them to learn about what you offer, and you definitely want them to buy from you. If you run a small business you blog (or should) so that people can see you as an effective leader and expert. Sharing content shows you know the power of copy/paste. Writing shows the power of wanting to reach the masses, educate, and influence others. You blog as you want to improve the internet, the lives of your customers, and the lives of those that may one day be a customer (or at least more educated).

12 ways blogs are important for your business

12 ways blogs are important for your business

By John Marx on 1/23/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blogs

Blogs are often considered a waste of time by those that don’t understand the importance of having one. They see taking 20-60 minutes of your day writing to be a complete waste of time. It is true that when you first start writing a blog the only people reading it is your very close inner circle. Over time that changes and that change have profound effects on the growth of your business in more ways than you can imagine. Let’s look at the top ten ways a blog will help your business grow.

Planting a seed

Planting a seed

By John Marx on 1/21/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blogs

We all live in our comfort zones and getting out of them is not necessarily fun and why people fall into routines. As a software developer, you would think I would love staying consistent and not pushing myself. That is partially true but I also love to learn on a daily basis and grow myself. Tonight, I wrote the information below to the team (note: this doesn't count as one of the challenge articles I put to them – that would be too simple). We cannot grow beyond our comfort zone without being pushed for a challenge. Our team continues to grow and each individual brings a new perspective into the equation in making us a stronger company as we push nationally in our web design and digital marketing. We believe in pushing ourselves and this is just another effort to push myself into a land I don't know what to expect which is the true definition of life itself.

Creating a Culture that treats employees like CEO's

Creating a Culture that treats employees like CEO's

By Kyle Hovanec on 9/20/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Employees, Business, Blogs

When do employees become more than just employees?

It's a question that businesses ask themselves but few often seek the solution. What are the key ingredients in creating a company culture like Google, Zappos and Pixar when employees don't just work, they love working?

Blogging for Confidence and to Inspire

Blogging for Confidence and to Inspire

By John Marx on 9/9/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blogs

When you start to blog you have a sense of excitement that you are going to do something continuously to not only help others but also to help yourself grow. Having a blog helps refine and improve what you are already passionate about. This passion is what helps you grow from good to great. When you curate (aka share) others people's content you are helping them grow but not yourself. Having a blog allows you to grow yourself and at the same time your company. In today's article we'll discuss why it's not only important but imperative to blog to make your business stronger.

When Clients are More than Clients

When Clients are More than Clients

By Kyle Hovanec on 9/8/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Life, Customer Service, Blogs, Employees, Business, User Experience

Every once in awhile, we have one of our clients stop by our office. While most clients stop in businesses to discuss problems or issues, we do something a little different with this particular client.

We just talk

That's right, we talk. Not about business and not about selling him another new product. We just talk about whatever comes to our mind. Sometimes it's about family. Sometimes it's about current events, but not matter what the topic, we take the time so sit back, relax and talk.

17 Incredibly Useful Blog Article Title Tips

17 Incredibly Useful Blog Article Title Tips

By John Marx on 2/16/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blogs, Tips and Tricks

Like the name of our blog article for this month we are going to give you some truly incredible tips to make people want to not only read from your article but use it in theirs as they move forward. And because this is about blog writing doesn't mean you have to stop there. These tips and tricks will work for email, web pages, and more.

How blogging can help your business

How blogging can help your business

By John Marx on 12/15/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blogs

As we get closer to the end of 2015 we are often asked why we blog, why should I blog, what is in it for us, and why should I use it for my business in 2016? For us there is no better way to answer this than to answer why we blog as a company, what we gain from blogging, and what are some of the reasons we see that blogging is important. By explaining why and how we blog you can take that information and compare it against your business model and see if it is something that works well for you.

Increase Your Website Traffic

Increase Your Website Traffic

By John Marx on 12/5/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blogs, Analytics, SEO, Business, Website

No business wants to have low website traffic. In this article we will discuss how we help businesses increase their website traffic from our Northwest Indiana Valparaiso office. We will cover many areas people might forget about or don't put enough emphasis on when building and maintaining their website.

Why your business needs a blog!

Why your business needs a blog!

By John Marx on 9/25/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blogs

A question we are often asked is "why we blog", "what is the business benefit", and "will it increase my business". These are all great and valid questions. We love hearing them as it shows a business owner is truly thinking about how they can improve their business and the future of their company. The question is not just blogging to blog; but to decide why you want to blog. Are you going to be adding a value for people? Will you be using your blog as an information center about your business or something completely different? Other reasons a person may blog is for a financial return where you will see advertising on a blog. By looking at yourself, your business, and determining if it's the right thing you will know if a blog is for you.

Can a blog help my business?

Can a blog help my business?

By John Marx on 10/31/2014 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Website, Blogs

A blog is combination of two distinct words of web and blog and originally started as a weblog. The phrase came from Jorn Barger in 1997. Since the time the word weblog has been simplified to be just blog.

A blog is a collection of blog posts that are grouped or categorized to be easily found. Each blog post or article covers a single topic, is concise to the point of what is being talked about and will routinely relate to other articles that are of interest to the company hosting the blog.

Now that we have an understanding of what a blog is and a high level understanding of what the benefits can be let’s look at the benefits of how having a blog can benefit a your business.