Copywriting Equals Money


Copywriting Equals Money

 11/1/2019 12:00:00 AM | Views: 5,856 | 4 Minutes, 15 Second |  Written By John Marx | Tags: Quality Content, Content

Copywriting is all about closing the sale. You use words to convince someone to purchase your product. Imagine you have an article that sells one in a hundred people that makes you a hundred dollars. You modify just the title or a few words to convince someone to buy and move that to two in a hundred. What you've done is doubled your revenue to two hundred dollars. The power of the written word has the potential to add value, educate, inform, and drive revenue to your bottom line.

Telling the right story

The first step is the hardest. Before you write a single letter, you need to find out what your audience is looking for, what problem they are having, and how you can help them solve it. Stop trying to sell. The selling will happen when you stop selling. The more you give, the more you get. Talk to your intended audience and find out the struggle they are having and then help them solve that problem.

Short, sweet, and targeted

We all know the phrase of keeping it simple stupid. Simple will resonate with your audience more. You need to break all of your sentences up into smaller ones that are easily digestible and usable by your audience. Let's look at ways to keep the information short and sweet.

  • Four to five lines per paragraph whenever possible. Two lines are even better.
  • Focus on your customers and not on yourself or your business. This is all about them, not you. Make their lives better. They do not care about you; they care about themselves.

Finding Content

You will get content ideas by talking to your audience, but what if you are new to copywriting and don't know your customer. Take a look at competitor reviews. Here you will find their deepest pain points, their objectives, and the language that they use.


Stop writing! Yes, truly stop writing. Research your information first. Find expert sources and learn from it. 


You need to connect with your audience. Capture their attention as quickly as you can.

Great Subject Starters

Often we are pulled into an article based on the subject. This is the first thing your reader will see, and read. Here are several of the types of titles we use to grab people's attention in our newsletter marketing.

  • Would you like to...?
    • Example: Would you like to buy a home without a bank loan?
  • Who else wants to...?
    • Example: Who else wants to buy a home without a bank loan?
  • Insider secrets for...
    • Example: Insider secrets for buying a home without a bank loan
  • Get your ____ in the fastest time possible
    • Example: Get your home in the fastest time possible
  • New discovery in ____
    • Example: New discovery in buying a home without a bank loan
  • Final offer for ____
    • Example: Final offer for buying a home without a bank loan
  • Last chance for ____
    • Example: Last chance for buying a house without a bank loan
  • How to _(benefit)_ without _(obstacle)_
    • Example: How to buy a house without a bank loan

When writing your content, come up with as many different titles, and test them. See which one stands out with others to want to read more. Every article I write has a minimum of six subjects. Only one is chosen. The others are shelved for later articles or completely put in the trash as just being horrible subjects. 

The test

The challenge and the step always missed, even by many experts, is when you have completed writing content, you proofread it verbally. In most cases, people will read it to themselves. You just wrote it. In your head, it will always sound correct. When you read it out loud, you will hear where the failures are. Reading out loud will allow you to modify and tune your writing for your audience to convert them.

Becoming an expert

Copywriting is something all of us can do. If you do your research right, your writing will be so much easier. You should spend a minimum of 30-minutes per day of writing to tune your expertise. If you do, you will become an expert over time. The more you write, the better you will become. Here are some quick tips:

  • 80% on research, 20% on writing
  • Write the way you talk
  • Grab your audience's attention
  • Write for your reader
  • Write to one person and not a group
  • The more personal your writing, the more captivating it will be

Often I see when people say they are an expert and do not practice what they preach. They may write articles for their customers, but they don't extend it to themselves. The typical reason I hear is I have to take care of my customers. To become a true expert, and help your customer, you need to write for yourself first. This is why I write a minimum of two articles per day to tune my skill.

Tell your readers where to go

Don't be rude! Have a strong call of action and tell your audience what you want them to do next. Have a sense of urgency in your statement. Let them know how they will lose if they don't act now.