Module: Application Settings

 Created Date: 4/15/2019 2:31:39 PM |  User Level: Regular User |  Views: 3,762


Application Settings are the location for all of the core system settings for the CMS/CRM system. Although the settings are available in each module this module allows editing everything in a single centralized place while giving you the ability to add an unlimited number of system-wide controls.

Key Features

  • Access to all settings in a single place.


You will need to have a valid system login that has been granted access to the Application Settings module.

Sample Screenshot

Click for the full size version of the image.

Application Settings Grid
Application Settings Edit
Application Settings Edit 2

Adding & Editing

  • General Information
    • Category: This is the grouping (category) the item is assigned to
      • Note 1: Spaces may be put in here but when it is saved all of the spaces are removed.
      • Note 2: The information should be entered in "Camel" casing. Camel casing is where the first letter is UPPERCASE and the rest is lower case. An example of this would be Great New Setting. This would save as GreatNewSetting and displayed in the system as "Great New Setting" where there is a space before each character.
    • Field Name: This is the unique name for the given field. The field name is also the value that is visually displayed to the user.
      • Note: The entries that begin with Dataset are the items in a dropdown list. You will have multiple items with the same field name. Other areas that have the same field name are items like Bad Words where the system treats these words as "bad words" within the system.
    • Language: Every setting in the system can be set to alternate languages. By default, only English is available but that can be changed for multiple languages.
    • Display Order: When working with information and especially information that has the same Category and Field Name the Display Order comes into play where you can set the values to show above/below other items.
      • The default display order is 100, which can be changed.
      • We always recommend separting items by 10 or more (e.g., 100, 110, 120, 130, etc.).
      • If an item has the same value (e.g. 100) then when displayed the second sorting value is the field name.
    • Field Value: This is the unique value that isn't seen but used by the system. In many cases this is an email address an item might be sent to, a default value, etc.
    • Where Used: These settings are information for administration purposes.
      • (blank): The field currently has no value set.
      • Administration: This is used solely within the administrative interface.
      • Backend: Utilized for providing information to the backend modules.
      • Frontend: Utilized for providing information to the frontend website.
    • Active: If you don't want an application setting to be used then you can uncheck this box. If an item is not active it will not be able to be used by the system and is only displayed within Appliation Settings.
    • In Setup: When checked you will know the setting is available in the individual module.
    • Show In Advanced: If this is selected the item is available in Application Settings.
    • Is Protected: If this box is checked the item is stored in an encrypted format when the database is at rest. This is often checked for anything that might be sensitive information. The system will automatically decrypt the information when needed. Each application setting is encrypted with it's own unique key.
    • Has HTML: When checked the system will display an HTML Editor rather than the standard text box for the Field Value.
  • Additional Information
    • Description 1 - 5: The description 1 - 5 are used primarily as description fields that parts of the program can call and pull. In many ways these are used as ways of providing additional content for the program and/or display to administrators of the system.

Tips & Tricks

  • Anything in the Website category is available for use as an @ code. For more information about @ codes click here.

Available Service Flyers

Our philosophy has always been honesty (this is our rule #1) and transparency in our services. There's no reason to hide costs unless you have something to hide. We've found that those who hide fees charge more successful businesses more money because they can. We do not feel this is the way America was meant to be. We believe in offering a fair price to everyone for the work that is done.

We also believe that once you sign on with us, you trust us, and as our thank you to you, we "price lock" our services for the plan(s) you signed up for at that time. This means while you are on those services, the price will always be the same. As business owners, we appreciate this as it allows us to budget our business expenses better.