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Bulk editing products

 Created Date: 3/12/2019 7:02:34 PM |  User Level: Regular User |  Views: 3,542


The following instructions will help you through the process of bulk editing a product. Here you will be able to quickly update pricing, inventory quantities, or hide/show multiple products at a time

Skill Level:

Basic user


You will need to have administration access to the site

Sample Screenshot



  1. Log in
  2. Click the "Administration" button at the top of the page
  3. In the Left menu, Click Catalog > Products
  4. Click the "Bulk Edit" button (yellow)
  5. You can edit any of the following fields:
  6. There will be a red triangle  in the top left corner of any area you edit, see Product 1's price. When all changes have been made, click "save changes"
  7. Keep in mind if you click on "view," it will take you to the product's editing page. All bulk edit changes will be lost if not saved before clicking on "view."