Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing

Educating America Series - The Brief

Educating America Series - The Brief

By John Marx on 11/6/2019 12:00:00 AM | Tags: politics

Many don't talk politics, not because they don't have something to say or have an opinion. Many don't speak as it's a taboo subject. Some don't fully understand the entire process. I know for myself it is a little bit of each. I want to be an informed American, and I believe others do as well.

Political Accounts on Twitter Have Changed. Is Your Campaign Ready?

Political Accounts on Twitter Have Changed. Is Your Campaign Ready?

By Kyle Hovanec on 5/24/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Election, Social Media, legal, Twitter, politics, Internet Law

Politics and social media have changed forever due to a recent decision that changes how political accounts function and engage with others online. The questions is, are you ready to deal with the changes?