Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing


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Top 12 Updates in nopCommerce 4.x

Top 12 Updates in nopCommerce 4.x

By John Marx on 8/14/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: nopCommerce, ecom
We are always excited about updates to our eCommerce platforms. Yes, you can call us nerds with this making us excited but eCommerce solutions are great for businesses. Most businesses see websites as cost centers even if they generated leads, inform their customers, or educate and show them as experts. eCommerce solutions are unique in that they bring in and show physical money which makes business owners eyes glisten. Today we’re going to look at the latest update for nopCommerce which is our preferred eCommerce system as it gives you complete control, is open source, and best of all highly customizable and built for eCommerce from the ground up.
Setting Up PayPal for nopCommerce

Setting Up PayPal for nopCommerce

By John Marx on 1/16/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: nopCommerce, eCommerce
Businesses are always looking for ways to justify the existence of their digital marketing. One way companies do this is with eCommerce products. Depending upon the level of customizations you want you to have choices such as Etsy, Shopify, WooCommerce, and of course nopCommerce which is what we're writing about here. We love nopCommerce from the standpoint of its acceptance of internet standards, being open source, and the allowance to tie and integrate with many backend systems within growing small businesses.