Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing

The power of communication

The power of communication

By John Marx on 11/24/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: communication, Small Business, Business

With the company growing I have spent a lot of my time focused on improving business processes, fixing areas that can be improved based on our teams input, and stepping away from what I would call "normal blog writing" to a more focused on our overall business and marketing processes. This shift is letting our expertise shine even more and allows our search engine optimization team, social media experts, graphic designers, and software developers focus on the free advice I had done for the past three years.

Why Chatbots Aren't Worth It

Why Chatbots Aren't Worth It

By Kyle Hovanec on 6/26/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: communication, chat bots, Customer Service

At first, an automated system designed to answer all of your client's wants and needs, both good and bad sounds amazing. Having the ability to address concerns at any day and any time is the kind of customer service all businesses strive for. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is as automated responders or chatbots while getting better, still, pale in comparison to good ole flesh and blood human customer service.

What to Include in Your Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Website to Increase Tours and Proactively Build Goodwill with Medicare A Patient Prospects

What to Include in Your Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Website to Increase Tours and Proactively Build Goodwill with Medicare A Patient Prospects

Who should read this? SNF administrators and marketing staff who believe the pre-need site visit will deliver more commitments and is an important part of the patient acquisition process with high focus on short-term Medicare A patients.

Clear and Concise Communication Makes for Happy Customers

Clear and Concise Communication Makes for Happy Customers

By Kyle Hovanec on 4/24/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: communication, Customer Service

If you ask customers and clients what some of the most frustrating experiences are when it comes dealing with businesses, the topic of miscommunication often comes up.