Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing

Facebook chat on your website

Facebook chat on your website

By John Marx on 7/22/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: chat bots, Facebook

We have used several chat clients like LuckyOrange, Drift, Chatlio, and for our client’s websites. Recently though what we’ve been doing is dropping those clients and utilizing Facebook Messenger. The price is right, free, and gives the same chat functionality. It also makes it easy for us, as social media managers, to respond to our client’s customer’s even faster. I am going to cover in detail how you can do this (or ask us and we’ll do it for you for our Business Improvement Plan customers).

Why Chatbots Aren't Worth It

Why Chatbots Aren't Worth It

By Kyle Hovanec on 6/26/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: communication, chat bots, Customer Service

At first, an automated system designed to answer all of your client's wants and needs, both good and bad sounds amazing. Having the ability to address concerns at any day and any time is the kind of customer service all businesses strive for. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is as automated responders or chatbots while getting better, still, pale in comparison to good ole flesh and blood human customer service.