Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing

Political Accounts on Twitter Have Changed. Is Your Campaign Ready?

Political Accounts on Twitter Have Changed. Is Your Campaign Ready?

By Kyle Hovanec on 5/24/2018 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Election, Social Media, legal, Twitter, politics, Internet Law

Politics and social media have changed forever due to a recent decision that changes how political accounts function and engage with others online. The questions is, are you ready to deal with the changes?

Short sweet and too the character point

Short sweet and too the character point

By John Marx on 11/16/2017 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Twitter

Just a week ago Twitter rolled out to everyone the new standard for tweets of 280-characters. We are a year away to see what the true impact of this increase in 140-characters will do to all of us in communicating on Twitter. We still believe that short and sweet is the best way to reach most audiences as we are all actively busy with work and our personal lives. Doubling your character account can do a lot to your overall marketing strategy and we're going to take a look at some of the major items we are already doing for our clients.

Longer Tweets are Here!

Longer Tweets are Here!

By Kyle Hovanec on 9/21/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Twitter, Content, User Experience, Business

The days of having to make the choice between your message and your media are about to become a thing of the past thanks to Twitter's latest character length update.

Pictures, GIFS, videos, links to quoted tweets and polls will no longer count towards your overall 140 character word count. This means that your posts will now allow you to tweet as you normally would without having to worry about other media taking away from your character count.

Twitter for Beginners

Twitter for Beginners

By John Marx on 7/23/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Twitter, Training

When we get that urge to start using Twitter it can seem overwhelming. With it's limitation of 140 characters per post (tweet), the unique vocabulary, searching, etiquette, or the difference in posting frequency Twitter is something that can be confusing to even the most technically savvy online user. It's not that Twitter is overtly complicated as there is a lot less options than on Facebook when you look at the entire picture. The problem is that it looks and works completely differently than the Facebook we've all learned. From our Valparaiso office we have created this article designed to help you better understand Twitter and hit the ground running with it.