Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing

What to Include in Your Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Website to Increase Tours and Proactively Build Goodwill with Medicare A Patient Prospects

What to Include in Your Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Website to Increase Tours and Proactively Build Goodwill with Medicare A Patient Prospects

Who should read this? SNF administrators and marketing staff who believe the pre-need site visit will deliver more commitments and is an important part of the patient acquisition process with high focus on short-term Medicare A patients.

Our Clients Are Family

Our Clients Are Family

By John Marx on 10/7/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Family, Business

I want to tell you a story. This story is a short one and one that shows what makes JM2 different than most companies. We are small (8 of us currently), we are new (3 years old), but we have a passion (our clients or customers if you will) become part of our family.