Blog Articles from Fawkes Digital Marketing

UTM Guide to Track URLs

UTM Guide to Track URLs

By John Marx on 7/14/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Marketing, Analytics

A crucial aspect to any search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is to know where your users are coming from. This article will help you streamline your marketing efforts and know where they are coming from. We will be talking about UTM codes and how you can use them to to quantify your marketing efforts and show the business owner where money has been spent and that it is being spent for the right reason.

Do you know how your website is being used?

Do you know how your website is being used?

By John Marx on 4/10/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Customer Service, Website, Business, Analytics

A website is only as valuable as the information that you put into it. Wrong! You also need to get information out of your website that allows you to provide even greater value to your customers. This is what customer service is all about. If what you are using is Google Analytics for everything you are on the right path as that will get you "in the door". There are other steps you can take to further improve your online experience for your customers.

Do your forms convert?

Do your forms convert?

By John Marx on 4/4/2016 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Website, User Experience, Analytics

When you build a website one item that is rarely thought about is the conversion rate of your online forms. You can see in your Google Analytics or other analytics program that people go to a specific page. But how do they use that page once they are there? Standard analytics products will not give you that valuable information. You are up to guessing and "assuming" what your visitors are doing. With form analytics you can see clearly how long a user is using each individual field of a given field on a form, where they abandon, and how long they are on each individual field.

2015 Prediction Results

2015 Prediction Results

By John Marx on 12/9/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Security, Analytics, Business, Digital Marketing, eCommerce

In our 2015 Website and Social Media Predictions we made several predictions that would happen in 2015. As the year comes to a close we are going to dig into what we predicted and what actually happened in relation to those predictions. Every one that is an industry expert whether nationally or in their local area will make such predictions.

Increase Your Website Traffic

Increase Your Website Traffic

By John Marx on 12/5/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Blogs, Analytics, SEO, Business, Website

No business wants to have low website traffic. In this article we will discuss how we help businesses increase their website traffic from our Northwest Indiana Valparaiso office. We will cover many areas people might forget about or don't put enough emphasis on when building and maintaining their website.

Beyond the Overview: People

Beyond the Overview: People

By John Marx on 12/1/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Analytics, Facebook, Social Media

Our last section is covering "People". This is what social media is all about. Knowing genders, ages, proximity to your business is all about engagement with these valuable people. They have liked your page and are interested in learning about your products and services. Each of your fans has an interest in your business page or they wouldn't have liked it to become a fan of your page.

Beyond the Overview: Videos

Beyond the Overview: Videos

By John Marx on 11/30/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Social Media, Analytics, Facebook

Videos are becoming importantly more valuable in gaining user engagement on Facebook. In today's analytics we look at the video aspects of our Facebook pages. If you have not posted any videos to Facebook this set of analytics will be some of the least valuable to you. For a video to count it must be watched for a minimum of 3 seconds.

Beyond the Overview: Posts

Beyond the Overview: Posts

By John Marx on 11/29/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Analytics, Social Media, Facebook

As we continue our analytics journey past Facebook Business Page Views we move further into learning about our fans. For us this is one of the most exciting sections as we learn not only what posts work best with our fan base but also what times our engagement is most likely going to be the highest. This isn't just in the hour of the day but the day of the week as well.

Beyond the Overview: Page Views

Beyond the Overview: Page Views

By John Marx on 11/28/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Facebook, Social Media, Analytics

Beyond our Facebook Reach we move beyond where we can see the what Facebook pages are being viewed as well as where the users are coming from. The Page Views tab is one of the most informative. This is where you can see the areas of your Facebook page that people visit most within your Facebook Business Page, including your timeline, info, and photos tabs.

Beyond the Overview: Facebook Reach

Beyond the Overview: Facebook Reach

By John Marx on 11/22/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Social Media, Facebook, Analytics

Being we are now passed Facebook Likes we can continue on to our Reach. Reach is the number of people that have seen our information as well as how many people are integrating with your Facebook Business Page.

Beyond the Overview: Facebook Likes

Beyond the Overview: Facebook Likes

By John Marx on 11/21/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Analytics, Facebook, Social Media

Moving beyond the overview of Facebook analytics we are now starting to get into the meat and potatoes of what you will find in the Facebook Insights (Analytics). With the Likes section you will be able to clearly see how many likes your Page has gained or lost each day based on a specific date range you’ve given. With this information you will learn where and how people are joining your Facebook page.

Facebook Insights - Overview

Facebook Insights - Overview

By John Marx on 11/10/2015 12:00:00 AM | Tags: Analytics, Facebook, Digital Marketing

Our next supplement into digging into the analytics provided by Facebook is the Facebook Insights Overview. Within the overview you'll get more information than you received on the main page of your Facebook business page which we covered here. Within the overview you'll see a lot more details along with visual graphs on how you're doing in the last seven days compared to the previous seven days worth of information.