FREE Press Releases


FREE Press Releases

 2/17/2022 12:00:00 AM | Views: 4,222 | 4 Minutes, 3 Second |  Written By John Marx | Tags: Press Release

We are bringing back a feature that we once had but was not taken advantage of by clients, so we killed it off. The original version required the business owner or those they designated to be involved. We thought this was the best approach, but in hindsight, it wasn't. Articles went months without being distributed. They didn't produce the results we wanted them to.

Every social media management client will receive a blog article, not just any blog article. We are adding what some would call "secret sauce," but there isn't any secret in this sauce. We're taking advantage of some changes that the search engines and news sources around the country have made during the pandemic that changed our world.

If you are on a social media management plan, we will be writing a blog article for you. Previously we required input from you. That is still welcome, and we encourage that to happen if your schedule allows it. We found out that it wasn't being taken advantage of, the business owners and those in charge of communication were busy and fell off their radar. Today we know schedules are even more dynamic, and workloads have increased, making direct input not feasible.

What topics will be covered?

We will use data points from the search engines and evaluate how your website visitors use your site to detemrine the best topics to cover. This covers what pages they are spending the most time on. We will look at seasonal items that will help drive revenue to your business. We will look at trends happening on social media.

How will we do this without your input?

We will be looking at the products and services your business offers. We will be taking that information and passing it on to our writers. They will, in turn, create articles that will be loved by the search engines. The articles will be written for humans to read and learn but search engines to love.

What if I want to be involved?

This would be preferred, and we would love that. We will get direction from you and then create the article in this case.

How much more will this cost me?

Nothing. We have a blog writing option available if we are not managing your social media. This is beneficial to those we are doing search engine optimization (SEO). We are including this for every social media-managed client. If you're not on social media management contact us and we can explain all the benefits, including the free press release information.

How long are these articles that are being written for me?

Each article will be 1,250 words or more. These will be straight to the point with no fluff added as they are being created to help answer questions, drive traffic, generate leads, and add to your bottom line. We won't put any maximum length on them as long as they cover the discussed topic.

Are pictures included?

Yes, there will be ONE image used with each article created. We will use an appropriate image that fits the theme. We will use an image from your website or previous social media post. If we can get a current one from you, that would be best but knowing that you and your team are busy, we will not force that as we want to get the information to help you grow your business. If we cannot get an appropriate image from you or your website, we will pull a professionally taken stock image for the article.

Great you've created an article; where's the secret sauce?

The "secret sauce" is that we will be submitting it to appropriate news channels and distributing them as press releases for each article created. This is in addition to us using them as articles on your website, your Google Business Profile (GBP, formerly Google My Business), and social media.

I want more than one per month!

We know several will want more than one per month as you genuinely have a lot of information to cover. We know you also are looking for ways to grow your business at a faster organic pace. To achieve this, we have options available that will allow you to purchase more than the one included article per month.

Where are these press releases going?

Each press release will go to sources your business's industry is in. We will not distribute via a shotgun approach. We want to reach audiences that add value to your search engine results.

How can I get this?

To receive this offer we are just enforcing our company policy. You must have a credit card on file, and your bill must be paid in full. That's it. This has been our standard for the past nine years, but we never enforced it in the past.