SEO: How Crucial is Mobile Optimization?


SEO: How Crucial is Mobile Optimization?

 4/24/2017 12:00:00 AM | Views: 7,417 | 2 Minutes, 44 Second |  Written By | Tags: Mobile, Website, SEO, Tips and Tricks, Responsive Design

In 2016, mobile overtook desktop as the primary device used to access websites. People use all sorts of devices today to browse the internet, including cell phones, tablets, laptops, and even smart watches. "Responsive design" is the term used to describe how a website responds to the screen size, orientation, and resolution of each platform. Even though responsive design has been around for a while now, the majority of sites still fail to meet usability standards. Most websites are built for desktop and then dialed down for mobile. Having a mobile optimized website will not only make your website more user-friendly and universal, it will help your search engine optimization and get you ranked higher in search results.

Google uses a number of tools to test mobile usability. Here are just a few suggestions when designing your mobile-friendly website:

  • Calls to Action - Keep call and email buttons easy to find right on the front page
  • Navigation Menu - Keep menus short and sweet so users don't have to tap several links before finding what they're looking for. Also make sure the home page is easy to get back to.
  • Font Size - Make sure the font size you choose for your website won't be too small to read when viewed on a mobile device. Visitors don't want to have to pinch the screen to zoom in just to read the content.
  • Touch Element Size - Any buttons or links that will be tapped on when on a mobile device need to be evenly spaced out, keeping in mind that fingertips are wider than a mouse click
  • Page Width - Having your website set to a fixed width can restrict your screen size when viewed on multiple devices. A fluid width is easily adjusted to fit whatever screen size is being used.
  • Content Fits Page - When the page content doesn't fit on the screen, users have to scroll down the page just to find the information they are looking for.
  • Viewport not Configured - The viewport metatag helps browsers scale a page to suit the screen size of the device
  • Flash Usage - Most mobile devices do not render Flash, so having more modern technology used in your site is ideal
  • Page Speed - Having a page that loads instantly is ideal for people out and about trying to find answers on the go

Optimizing your website for mobile devices is crucial and will not only make your website and content easier for the public to see and read, it will help search engines rank your website higher on search results lists. When you are on the go, the last thing you want when looking for a business is a webpage that loads slowly, doesn't fit your screen, and requires you to zoom, scroll, and tap several links before finding the phone number or address. 

Every website we build for our clients is already mobile friendly and optimized. We can help optimize your website and content for mobile devices and in turn, help boost your SEO. 

Contact us to find out more! Give us a call at @BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@, stop at our office at 403 E Lincolnway in Downtown Valparaiso Indiana, email at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@, or use our online contact form here.