Political Website Maintenance


Political Website Maintenance

 11/7/2016 12:00:00 AM | Views: 7,544 | 1 Minute |  Written By John Marx | Tags: Security, Maintenance, Social Media

With elections quickly coming to an end for a short period there are a few things you need to think about whether you win or lose your political office. There are certain things you need to do to be a responsible politician no matter your election outcome. Although we are talking about your website your social media needs to be thought of as well.

You just ran for office and your website and social media strategies no longer mean anything. This is seriously wrong and could be potential political suicide. In fact, if you plan on continuing to run they are as important if not more important than during the election season. Your website is who you are. It defines you and tells the world what you stand for. If you don't maintain your site, your standings, and what you believe in how can anyone else trust you. Having a website operational every few years does not convey who you are. If you are no longer running for political office, we strongly recommend shutting down your site.

Your political career doesn't end when the election ends. Your website should continue to be maintained and updated just as your career continues to prosper. The picture of this blog is a most interesting one. This is from a person that ran for political office, won, and is at a very high position when it comes to thinking about politics but thought that not updating their website would be fine until the next election season.

This website was hacked by someone outside of the United States. It is sad to see and the site was running just fine in April 2016. In November 2016, the site was owned by a hacking group.

This is where maintaining your website, keeping security updates in place, and what you're doing for those that elected you comes into play. When you keep your website, secure and updated you won't be embarrassed by such screenshots that your voters can see.

If you need a company that can monitor your website 24x7, keep the security updated, and keep the voters informed on why you are the best solution than contact JM2 Webdesigners from Valparaiso Indiana at @BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@, email at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@, or through our online contact form here.