
 Created Date: 11/16/2018 8:32:39 PM |  User Level: Regular User |  Views: 3,148


In this KB article I’ll be covering the Dashboard module. This module gives you access to all your favorite modules all in one convenient spot.  However there are other things within the dashboard that make it unique. One of those is the Statistics grid which I’ll cover in this KB article. I’ll cover everything about this module in further detail as outlined below:

  • Quick Tasks

  • Available Downloads

  • My Account Tasks

  • Blog Posts

  • System Logs

  • Account List

  • Account Industries

  • Account Leads

  • Lead Industries

  • Page Content

Quick Tasks

Quick tasks is  something that’s  present in the tasks module itself which is covered in depth in the tasks KB Article. Quick tasks allows you to  quickly add tasks for individuals, groups, or organizations. If you’d like to learn more just click the link!

Link to Tasks KB Article

Available Downloads

This simply shows the  downloads that are available to  you. One can set specific groups to  have access to the particular download. This  helps keep the user experience simple and clean.  If you want to learn more about this module just click below!

Link to Downloads KB Article

My Account Tasks

This section shows tasks that are  assigned to you. This is meant to improve workflow by  showing them in the Dashboard. You can click on the edit  button to view more details about the task. You can also click on add new task to, go figure, add a new task for yourself. If you’d  like to learn more about this module then you can click the link below.

Link to Accounts KB Article


This  section gives you some really  useful information about your website at a  glance. As you can see you get statistics on the  Accounts and Blog modules. That’s not all though. You also get statistics on  the Downloads, Knowledgebase, Leads, Page Content, Tasks, Testimonials, Users, as well as  other statistics based on your website traffic.

Blog Posts

The  Blog post section  allows you to view essential  information about your blogs. For  example it shows how many views that the article  has garnered. Apart from that you can both edit specific  articles from here by clicking the pencil button or add a  new article by clicking on the add new button.

Link to Blogs KB Article

System Logs

System logs is used to  monitor what’s happening  within your system. It’s good  for debugging issues that you  may have or verifying that a particular thing has been done.

Link to Logs KB Article


Account Industries

Accounts are  meant to list all the  businesses that you are helping. If you have  a fair amount you can get some interesting statistics here on the account industries that you serve.

Link to Downloads KB Article

Account Leads

In Sales? This section shows you your current leads. You’re able to  view them in greater detail by pressing the pencil button or even add a  lead by clicking the “Add New” button. If you’d like more information about this click the link below.

Link to Accounts KB Article

Lead Industries

This pulls the industry information from the  leads and displays information exactly like the  account industries but with less time

Link to Downloads KB Article

Page Content

The page content  section shows you all the  pages that you have on your website. It also allows you to edit these pages by clicking the  edit button. If you’d like to add a new page then you can click the add new button.

Link to Downloads KB Article


Search and Sort

When you  click on the Importer  module you should see something like this:

The use of these  types of searches are covered extensively in the Page Content KB article here.

Available Service Flyers

Our philosophy has always been honesty (this is our rule #1) and transparency in our services. There's no reason to hide costs unless you have something to hide. We've found that those who hide fees charge more successful businesses more money because they can. We do not feel this is the way America was meant to be. We believe in offering a fair price to everyone for the work that is done.

We also believe that once you sign on with us, you trust us, and as our thank you to you, we "price lock" our services for the plan(s) you signed up for at that time. This means while you are on those services, the price will always be the same. As business owners, we appreciate this as it allows us to budget our business expenses better.