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Trump your competition with a maintenance plan

Trump your competition with a maintenance plan

 11/18/2016 | Views: 8,057 | 9 Minutes, 14 Second | | Tags: Social Media, SEO, Website, Maintenance

When it comes to getting your business online having a strategic plan that is optimized to grow your business is crucial. With a maintenance plan, you can take care of not only your website, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media needs but take it to a level never thought of. There are many companies that have solutions that do one and not the other. We're going to outline our "Web + Social" plan. This is our most popular plan as it takes your business to the next level.

When it comes to a maintenance plan there are a few key areas we personally think of that are absolute requirements to be successful. These are communication, security, website maintenance and updates, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and of course lead generation. When it comes to JM2 Webdesigners from Cullman Alabama we think big, Chicago big, but with small town and fair pricing to fit and meet the needs of every business. Whether you utilize our services or not this is what your apples-to-apples comparison needs.


We love covering pricing first and we don't want to shy away from being up front and honest about it. For us, price is not what we are focused on. We are focused on results but do know every business decision big or small involves pricing. With everything covered below the price is $250/month. That's truly it and it covers everything that is outlined below. If you don't have a website yet, or want a new one, the startup price is $495 to build it. I know we haven't mentioned but this one totally gets everyone. When you sign up you are locked into the price you signed up for. Each year the price will go up but your price will never go up if you are on that plan. Even if we add items to that price. To give an example, those that signed up previously we never offered video and now we do. They get the new features but the price they are at didn't go up.

Let's Begin the Apples to Apples Social Media Maintenance Plan Comparison

Now that we are passed that let's start digging into the meat and potatoes of what you will get and why it's such an amazing deal. We're going to break this down into simple groups of website, search engine, social media, and "Other" (which covers everything else). This will allow you to compare what you receive with us to any other system.


For our website users, you will get everything you need to look professional.

  • A new website redesign for FREE every 24-months if you need and want one. This means once you reach 24-months and you say that you want a completely new website it will not cost you a thing.
  • If we are building you a new website, you will get a non-templated website
  • No Branding! This is truly a huge deal (to us). This is your company and your business. We feel we should not be advertising our company on YOUR website.
  • Digicert TLS (SSL) security certificate is included
  • Unlimited website updates. We will update your website information as much as you need. All you need to do is email, call, or stop on in and we'll update it. Of course, you have complete control of everything as well! (it is your company after all)
  • Domain Registration fee. This is the annual fee to own your domain name (e.g. BusinessYETI.com is our domain name). You won't have to pay this
  • Website hosting. This isn't just any website hosting either. You have no bandwidth restrictions at all. The servers are updated as updates become available, are protected behind a firewall, and monitored 24x7.
  • Mail Server. Rather than having a Gmail, yahoo, or even an outlook.com email address you can have an email address at your own domain name. And you get more than 1. You get 50 of them! You can have as many administrators you need as well as reports and mailing list functionality built-in.
  • Lead generation. We have aligned with lead generation companies to give you the ultimate in lead generation without the annoying pop ups or pop under ads that will typically drive customers away from your business. On top of the lead generation we also provide heat maps of how people are interacting with each page, customer polling options, live online chat (if desired), view recordings of how people use your site, and form analytics to see how people are filling out any form on your site along with how long it takes to fill out each field.
  • Backups are critical to protecting your company. Daily backups are performed on your website and databases.
  • ADA 508 compliance has always been important to us as all of our government clients require it so we give it to every client.
  • Google Analytics is integrated which gives some of the best reporting options of how users are interacting with your site.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Taking care of your website maintenance and updates is one thing but you need to be found. So what is included with a website maintenance plan when it covers the search engines?

  • Broken Link Checking & Repair within your site
  • Image alternate text optimization
  • Image sizing optimization
  • Keyword Analysis & Recommendations
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Site Map Creation
  • Website Performance Analysis & Monitoring
  • YEXT PowerListings - Test your SEO results here for free
  • Review Monitoring

Social Media

That's a lot already but I really want to be on social media. What all is involved when it comes to managing my social media site?

  • Page Setup / Verification that the information is accurate and updated
  • Social page cover creation
  • Content aggregation from credible & non-competitor sources
  • Content creation each month 100% specific about your business (12 unique articles per year which can also be added to your website for increased SEO)
  • You will get between 1 to 3 posts per week. Not per month. There is enough information out there for every business that we can promote aspects of your business that work for you.
  • Monitoring of your social media feed. We receive alerts 24x7 (even when we're not directly online) so that we can respond quickly and accurately to questions and issues.
  • We respond to your fans questions and diffuse and situations that may be going the wrong direction
  • Videos are included. These are not just text. These are mini-commercials promoting your business. You get either 2 30-second or 1 1-minute commercial (and we're already in discussion to increase the number [again with no price increase]).
  • When we write articles for your business on social media (and your website) if you are part of other networks and you've provided us the email address of those sites we will forward your content along to them so that you can get even great exposure.


We've already covered a lot of items related to what you get but what else is included?

  • You get an hour every month for anything you want. This can be for additional content writing, new features for your website, graphic design (flyers, logos, marketing materials, etc.). These hours also accumulate up to 12 months (total of 12 hours can be kept in your queue at a time).
  • Reports – Knowing how your website and social media is extremely important. We look at reports every month, heat maps to see where people are going, and where we can make modifications to gain even more user engagement.
  • Find Business Directory – This is like the yellow pages for the internet. A new business is added to the site every single day! Your business is advertised and promoted along with the ability to have a personal profile page that also integrates directly with your website. On top of being listed on the Find Business Directory page we also share platinum members on our social media page for additional business exposure as your business growth is what we're going for.
  • No contracts! We do this as we know if you communicate with us and we communicate with you there will be no reason to leave us. Only when one of us stops communicating is there ever a problem and if that happens we don't feel you should ever be locked into a contract.
  • Two account representatives. Many companies will give you one person that you may know or even no one truly knows you. We provide two and each one knows about your account. Your primary will know you deeply and contact you every month. Your secondary is there for the times our team is out of the office, in a meeting, or even on vacation.
  • Each year you can take advantage of five (5) portfolio headshots to spruce up your website, LinkedIn or other social media page, or company literature.
  • Event photography. We will go to two events each year for two hours each. We routinely come out with 100 or more photos (typically more) so that you can focus on your event. The photos we will then upload to your social media page under an event photo album. These photos are yours and not watermarked (or branded) with our information.

How can we do it?

In fact, we talked with HubSpot who many providers use and halfway through the list they said they couldn't match and the price they had for what we covered was several thousand per month. This is how we know this is such a great deal. We are often asked how we can achieve this for our clients. The answer isn't as complicated as it seems. We make around $15 on each social media plan. Yes, that's it. That is after all our expenses from the building we're in, the electricity, and our employees.


Our team is dedicated to the growth of each of our clients. If you are a company that will communicate and are willing to collaboratively work together than we would love to work with you. If you are looking for a company that "reads your mind" or does what we think is best for your business than we can assure you we will not be a good fit for you.

You can see everything our maintenance plans offer at https://www.BusinessYETI.com/Services/MaintenancePlans/ as there is a chance the information here has increased from the time of it's initial writing. We never remove from our list and only add to it.

When you are ready to work with a company that is dedicated to the growth of your business give JM2 Webdesigners of Cullman Alabama a call at < a href="tel:@BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@">@BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@, email at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@, or through our online contact form here.