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Marketing a boring brand

Marketing a boring brand

 2/5/2017 | Views: 7,216 | 4 Minutes, 25 Second | | Tags: Social Media, Branding, Marketing

We all can't have the most exciting of company brands or huge budgets to make it exciting. You may provide one of the services that truly isn't super exciting to talk about but necessary to everyone in one way or another. You provide products and services that are used either daily or occasionally. Big business is known for their exciting and ever engaging social media marketing campaigns due to the huge budgets that they can get overly creative and take boring into exciting. This doesn't mean if you are a bank, credit union, funeral home, pawn shop, dry cleaner, lawyer, restaurant, etc. without a big budget that you can't have an engaging social media strategy that people will enjoy. In fact, there are ways you can start to engage your audience to make your brand more fun. Let's look at some ways you can go from boring to engaging using social media.

Be the industry leader

One would think that being a web design and marketing firm in the city of Cullman Alabama our business would be boring and not have a lot of great things to offer compared to a larger city like Chicago Illinois where web design is seen as more of a necessity and promoted to be super exciting. One couldn't be further from the truth. We feel that being in a small town allows you to differentiate ourselves a lot easier. We get that classic small town feel, get to shoot each other with Nerf guns, and have fun while helping small businesses grow.

For the past three years, there have been over 200 blog posts that we created for our current and prospective clients. We created this information rather than curating from a curation source. This way we can prove we are the experts. We have 95 unique visitors every day reading our blog articles. This is up 10 from the previous 10% from the previous year and growing even faster every month.

For two years, we started to purchase equipment for doing evergreen video to take our marketing to the next level. We are still purchasing equipment but now have multiple cameras, microphones, building a modest studio, and create video on a weekly basis for ourselves and our social media clients and have another video series in the works. This not only showcases our expertise but provides something valuable to current and prospective customers while also allowing the companies that wish to do it themselves the power and knowledge they want.

Be human and memorable

Stock answers are great if you want to be the company known for stock answers. Every social media account we maintain we gather information about their business from day 1 and never stop. We create "stock answers" but never use them for our clients. We use them as our guide to make certain we fully answer the questions their fans are asking. We guide them to the company for questions that we can't answer, shouldn't answer, or have a qualified lead for the company to have their team of experts take over. We thank them for every comment whether it was a nice comment or not.

We inject some politically correct humor, quality information, always being responsive, and show them there is more to what our clients businesses offer that add to their brand. People will remember you for being human and will want to work with you as you move forward as you've established that relationship either directly or indirectly with them.

Your culture is part of your brand

A great way to bring people into your brand is to celebrate your most important asset. This is not your products or even your customers. They are super important but without you and your employees you cannot stay in business and continue to grow. Tell a story about your employees by highlighting what makes each one great. Bring them into your world and why it is great to be part of it.

Curate Content

It is cost prohibitive to create three or more unique blog posts each week for the rest of your businesses life for every social media outlet you are on. What you can do is create unique pieces throughout the month and curate pieces that others produce to further enhance and add value. This will give your fans a central place to go for expertise and information that can benefit them. You are providing a value to them beyond just sales pushes.


Whether you are selling something uninspired or complicated with a unique perspective you can engage and bring people into the culture and brand of your company. By being memorable and a "human" you show them that you not only want them as a long-term customer but want to provide them a continual value over time.

Social media is another platform for getting your good and positive word out to the masses and the social media team at JM2 is ready help your business grow and get your positive word out. When you are ready to take your brand to the next level give us a call at @BUSINESSPHONETOLLFREE@, email at @BUSINESSEMAILADDRESS@, or through our online contact form here.