Facebook Image Options


Facebook Image Options

 10/6/2014 12:00:00 AM | Views: 7,224 | 3 Minutes, 1 Second |  Written By John Marx | Tags: Social Media, Facebook

When working with Facebook images the images may upload in a way that you don’t like and need to be rotated, they may need to be removed as after uploading you don’t realize the image is the image you want, etc. Below we will outline the steps for handling the most common image options that we see users needing to do.

  1. For all of the options below you will go to either your personal page or a page you are an administrator on.
  2. Once you are on the page click on Photos
  3. Navigate to the photo if it is not in an album, click on photo album and then click on the photo you wish to edit
  4. As you hover (no clicking) over the image you will see options at the bottom of the image appear. We are going to focus on the Options part for this post. Click on Options and then choose one of the options beneath the image for complete details on what each item does.

Facebook Image Options

Edit Location

Many times when you take a picture you are at an event or location. Here you can actually chose the location and tie the picture to an actual Facebook page if one exists. For example, if you were at one of the Disney parks you could choose which one of the parks you were at.

Above the location you can also add a complete description as well as tag those individuals you were with at the time the photo was taken.

Change Date

Many times when you take a picture and upload the day you upload the picture many not be the actual date the picture was taken. Here you can set the year, month, day, hour and minute (in 10 minute intervals).

Rotate Left / Rotate Right

Although these items are separate in the menu shown we are keeping them together as they do the same function. When you choose rotate left you will be rotating your image counter-clockwise. When you choose rotate right you will be rotating your image clockwise. If you need to rotate more than just one time you can repeat this process as many times as needed.


At times we might upload a picture and then by acts of nature or malicious people the picture may have been lost. The download option allows you to download the image so that you then have it on your computer.

Make Profile Page Picture

On every page there is a nice square image in your banner. By choosing make profile page picture you can take the picture you are on the profile page image.

Embed Post

If you have a blog and would like to bring the image to your blog post using the embed post option is for you. Not only will you get the image, be able to choose the size of the image but will also gain a like button as well. This works for more than blog posts as well. This could be part of the regular content on your website or another page as well.

Delete this Photo

Be careful when doing this. Use the delete option when you no longer wish to have a picture on the page. When you do choose the delete option the system will prompt you to either cancel (don’t delete) or confirm (delete) the image.

Enter Fullscreen

When you are viewing pictures they open in a window within your browser window. By choosing the full screen option the image takes up your monitor to make the image larger as well as having less distractions while working on an image. To get out of full screen mode you can click on the X in the upper right corner or press the Esc (escape) key in the top left corner of most keyboards.